How do I get on a team?

New players need to register and learn how the Discord bot works before they can join a team. Once they pass probation and finish one 2v2 game and start a second 2v2, they can apply to be a Free Agent. Teams place bids and the team with the highest bid gets the player. Free Agents may say which teams they prefer. Those teams get incentives to pick up the player, but any team can still recruit them.

When do auctions happen?

Auctions occur every two weeks. You need to be a Free Agent to be in the New player auction. Players who have completed at least one 2v2 and started a second 2v2 may register for Free Agency and get in the Auction.

How does the whole season thing work? 

Seasons last three months. Teams play 12 games per season, one 2v2 and one 3v3 game vs every other team in their division. Teammates share screenshots of their game and coordinate moves to plan a joint strategy. The top teams in each division are promoted and the bottom teams are relegated.

What do teams bid on players with?

Teams have a currency called Free Agent Tokens (FATs). The top teams get fewer FATs. The teams that are struggling get more FATs so they can recruit better talent. The idea is to keep the league balanced and let struggling teams get ahead.

Can players get traded?

Yes. If a player wants to switch teams, they can. Players need to complete at least one season with their current team before getting traded. Players who want to switch should reach out to the team leaders to arrange it

Is there a max number of players that can be on a team in a given season?

There is no max number of players. Each person usually plays 1-3 season games. Team leaders assign season games. Each team has their own way of deciding player rosters.

Do player contracts expire and they have to re-sign with their team or enter free agency? Can you get cut from the team?

Player contracts do not expire. Once you get on a team, you stay there unless you want to switch and arrange a trade. There are rare cases where players break league rules, are dropped from their team, and re-enter Free Agency

What happens if I don’t get picked to join a team in the auction?

If you do not get picked to be on a team, keep practicing. Join more games and ask team recruiters to play games with you. Read ⁠strategy-guides. Review replays of your games and figure you what your opponent did. Watch some tutorials from GullYY or PolyChampions YouTube. Higher activity will get you noticed.

When you communicate your turns in recruiting games, use these practices:

  • Share a screen shot every turn (include the tech tree and score if part of the discussions)
  • Draw out your moves with a diagram
  • Discuss your moves in advance
  • Ask questions
  • Look over your teammate’s moves,
  • Give feedback
  • Watch the game replay. Try to learn from your mistakes